16Days left

Play Leader

Salary details: £ - £

Glebe Junior School, Alfreton
Salary details
Grade 4 Actual Salary £3,937.92 per annum (£24,027 FTE)
Job term
Part Time
Appointment type
7 hours and 5 minutes per week, 39 weeks per year
Closing Date
29 January 2025

The Governors are looking to appoint an enthusiastic Play Leader with creative ideas for improving and developing sport in school. This will include supporting team games, encouraging appropriate use of equipment and promoting fair play as well as organizing and supporting the development of the Mini-Leaders. 

Applicants should have good verbal skills, be able to work as part of a team and be adaptable and flexible in their approach. Experience of working with children would be an advantage but not essential. 

The hours attached to this post are Monday to Friday 11.50am to 13.15pm.

Provisional Interview Date: Week commencing 3 February 2025

Due to this post having access to children and/or vulnerable adults, the successful candidate will be required to undertake a Disclosure and Barring Service check. The possession of a criminal record will not necessarily prevent an applicant from obtaining this post, as all cases are judged individually according to the nature of the role and information provided. Click here to see our policy on criminal background checks.